Our Services
Comprehensive prenatal care including all standard labs, ultrasound, physical and pap smear. Prenatal care follows the routine schedule of every 4 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy, every 2 weeks until the 36th week of pregnancy and every after until the birth. Every woman will have access to prescription medication as well as natural remedies.
Home birth, including water birth and VBAC options. Birth and postpartum is attended by 2 licensed midwives or a licensed midwife and trained birth assistant. Included in the midwifery package is medication and equipment to keep home birth safe including IV, antibiotics, anti-hemorrhagic medication, neonatal vitamin K injection and neonatal erythromycin eye ointment and all routine labs for the mother and baby. The birth certificate and social security card will be legally filed by the midwife free of charge.
The global midwifery self-pay discount package including all routine labs, prenatal care, birth and postpartum care, birth pool and birth supplies is $8,000.
IN NETWORK with Orlando Health/Allegiance and Advent Health Insurance
We are also in network with Medicaid Wellcare/Sunshine. Please contact us for more information.
Most health share plans pay 100% of our cost.
All other insurance is billed out of network and reimbursed according to your individual plan. Please call for more information.
*Prenatal clinic for women planning to deliver in the hospital but seeking traditional midwifery prenatal care. Please call for pricing.
PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION – $250, Includes capsules
We are trained in placenta encapsulation and can bring your placenta home with us from the birth and deliver it when completed.